2017 AAWA Membership Policy (Please Read)

The wrestling season is starting to get underway with many of our club programs starting shortly! Here we present the preliminary info to assist all clubs in collecting information, registering with the AAWA and ensuring all required forms are distributed. The AAWA Membership Fees are the same as last year and are as follows. Please plan to include this cost in your club fees:

2017/2018 Alberta Amateur Wrestling Membership Fees

If you fail to register as a member, you will not be sanctioned to compete or practice at the club level
  • Annual Club Registration $100.00 (Regardless Of Membership)
  • Officials & Coaches $65.00
  • Senior Athlete (1997 and prior) $65.00
  • Junior Athlete (1998, 1999) $65.00
  • Juvenile Athlete (2000, 2001) $65.00
  • Cadet Athlete (2002, 2003) $65.00
  • Bantam Athlete (2004, 2005) $65.00
  • Kids Athlete (2006, 2007) $35.00
  • Novice Athlete (2008, 2009) $35.00
  • Tyke Elementary Athlete (2010, 2011) $35.00
  • Tyke Primary Athlete (2012, 2013) $35.00
  • Associate (Manager/Parents/Chaperones) $30.00
  • Daily Insurance Fee For School-Based Athletes $10.00 per event (Paid At Event)
  • There is no annual membership for school programs only operating within their season of play
  • All athletes, coaches and officials who attend a National Championships will be assessed a $100 sanction fee (Junior/Senior) or $125 (Cadet/Juvenile) at the time of registration for the event. This fee must be paid or the registration will not be processed
  • All coaches at the National Championships will be required to submit a recent police records check as part of the nationals registration process. Terms of the check will be available soon. If you believe your most recent check might be “expired,” please plan to have it updated before the spring
*Please note that the same $10 tournament membership fee for all school-based programs continues, as does the $100/$125 sanction fee for all competitors, coaches and officials that attend the national championships

In addition, all athletes (bantam to senior) and coaches will be required to sign and return their respective code of conduct/ethics. All athletes under 18 must have their parents sign the document as well. Please have these documents available to your athletes and coaches to sign when practices begin this fall!

Coaches Code of Conduct

Athlete Code of Conduct

Our registration portal and instructions can still be found at http://albertaamateurwrestling.ca/registration-info/

Those that registered last year will notice that all previous athletes/coaches are still in the system, so you are only required to add/delete depending on your club membership. We also ask that only one representative from each club complete the registration, as to avoid redundancy and promote accuracy. We’ve been working out some bugs from last season, but if there are issues, please see the spreadsheet link below to send your registrations manually. Once your membership registration has been completed, you can simply print off your invoice and pay via your preferred method, or I can provide you with said invoice as well.

2017-2018 AAWA Membership Spreadsheet

We ask all registration be completed early this fall to ensure everyone is fully insured, but new members may be added at a later time if necessary. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Technical Director Andy Ross at aawatechnical@gmail.com or 780-993-1150