The Edson Gladiators Wrestling Club is accepting applications for the position of Head Coach/Administrative Officer. This position will build to approximately 40% of full 9me equivalent dependant on the capacity of the successful applicant, and will start as soon as feasible. It will conclude April 15, 2024 with an option to continue if demand warrants, and an op9on to renew next season.
The Gladiators is an inclusive sports club and we are committed to providing the opportunity to all Edson and area youth to wrestle to their fullest potential. Our sports fees are low and adaptive so that financial situation is not a barrier; fund raising is an important component of our program. Prior to the pandemic our programs included youth from 5 to 18 years of age and we are rebuilding to that range again.
Edson Gladiators 2023-2024 Coaching Application (click here)