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Canada Summer Games Trials

May 10


Servus Sports Centre
Address2501 28 Ave S, Lethbridge, AB T1K 7L6

Saturday, May 10, 2025

Competition:      10:00 am until completion

Male and female athletes, Born 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010

The following athletes may NOT compete in the trials:

– Athletes that are on the Senior National Team



Please register online at the following links by 6:00pm Friday, May 2, 2025

Athletes: Coming Soon

Coaches: Coming Soon

 TOURNAMENT FEE:  $35.00 per athlete *All athletes and coaches must be AAWA members*

Cheques Payable to Alberta Amateur Wrestling Association


Males: 44-48, 52, 56, 60, 65, 71, 77, 85, 92, 100, 125 kg

Females: 43-47, 50, 53, 56, 59, 62, 65, 69, 73, 80, 90 kg  

Weigh-ins will take place on Friday, May 9, 2025. Athletes will be weighed in by a carded official.

  1. 6-7 pm at *Insert Location Here*
  2. There will be NO weight allowance.
  3. Please remember that the weight your athlete competes in at the trials, he/she MUST compete at that weight at the Canada Summer Games on August 17-25, 2025


Weight Classes of 5 Participants or Less

  • All weight classes with 5 participants or less will be wrestled in a round-robin format, with placing based on the current Wrestling Canada Lutte rules (most victories, head-to-head result breaks a two-way tie, classification points break a three-way tie, etc.)
  • The top two finishers will face one another in a best 2 out of 3 series, with the initial round robin head-to-head result counting as the first victory, to determine the Canada Summer Games Team Member

Weight Classes of 6-10 Participants

  • All weight classes with 6-10 participants will be wrestled in a round-robin, 2 pool format, with placing based on the current Wrestling Canada Lutte rules (most victories, head-to-head result breaks a two-way tie, classification points break a three-way tie, etc.)
  • Once each pool has been completed, the top placer of each pool will face the second-place finisher of the other pool in a CROSSOVER
  • The losing athletes of the crossover will wrestle for third place
  • The winning athletes of the crossover will face one another in a best 2 out of 3 series, with any initial head-to-head result counting as the first victory, to determine the Canada Summer Games Team Member

Weight Classes of 11 Participants or More

  • All weight classes with 11 participants or more will be wrestled in a double elimination bracket
  • Once the semi-finalists & consolation semi-finalists have been determined, there will be a CROSSOVER, in which the semi-finalists will face the opposite consolation semi-finalists
  • The losing athletes of the crossover will wrestle for third place
  • The winning athletes of the crossover will face one another in a best 2 out of 3 series, with any initial head-to-head result counting as the first victory, to determine the Canada Summer Games Team Member


A maximum of 4 athletes will be seeded in every weight class based on the following criteria, in order of superiority:

1) 2025 U19 National Champion

2) 2025 U17 National Champion

3) 2025 U19 Alberta Open Champion

4) 2025 U17 Alberta Open Champion

5) 2025 Jurassic Classic Champion

*In the case that multiple athletes have the same tier for seeding, the heavier weight will be seeded  ahead of the lower weight*

All matches will be officiated by 3 officials with matside review. All field of play protests will be   settled by the matside review footage by the officials.

If the top finisher cannot commit to the CSG Program or, if based on the unanimous decision of the games team coaches, the athlete has not maintained their weight or prescribed training program, or has violated the code of conduct, or has been disruptive to the team environment, the athlete may be removed from the team and the alternate put in his/her place. This decision must be ratified by the Alberta Amateur Wrestling Association Executive.

Following the trials, circumstances may arise in which the Canada Summer Games coaching staff may determine it is in the best interests of the overall team makeup to move team members or alternates into a different weight class.  This decision must be ratified by the AAWA Executive.

To continue to be eligible as team members, athletes must maintain their weight class, adhere to the athlete’s code of conduct and must continue to participate as required in the Canada Games Team training program.


If an athlete who meets the conditions below* is injured or has a medical/family emergency and therefore unable to participate in the Canada Summer Games team trials, he/she may file a request for an exemption to the AAWA no later than 6:00 p.m. May 9, 2025. The request must state the weight class the athlete wishes to enter.  A medical note from a doctor outlining the reason the athlete cannot compete must also be submitted with the request.  The Alberta Amateur Wrestling Association (AAWA) may require the athlete be examined by a doctor of the Association’s choosing to confirm the injury. No change of weight class will be permitted after the request has been submitted.


1) 2025 U17/U19 National Medalist

2) 2025 Alberta Open Highest Placing Alberta Athlete in their Weight Class

3) 2025 ASAA Championships Top 3

4) War on the Floor Elite Top 3

5) Jurassic Classic Top 3

6) Matmen Classic U19 Top 3

Results, both overall and in the requested weight class, will be considered when reviewing an exemption request, along with past participation in provincial programming. Placing in the above events does NOT guarantee an exemption will be granted.


If an athlete faces an exceptional circumstance (ex. educational conflict, religious conflict, prolonged injury, place of residence, etc.), that prevents them from attending the trials, an exemption request can be filed with the AAWA. These circumstances should be identified well in advance of the trials, and as such, official exemption requests should be filed by March 1, 2025. Each case will be reviewed, and the athlete will be notified by March 15, 2025 if an exemption will be issued.

All exemption requests will be reviewed and decided by the Canada Games Coaching Staff and the Alberta Amateur Wrestling Association Executive. Their decision will be FINAL. Injuries incurred during the event will not be subject to appeal unless the direct result of an illegal foul as determined by the head official.

 Competitors will be notified at the trials if they are competing in a weight class in which an exemption has been granted.

The final deadline for wrestle-offs to take place will be July 5, 2025. If an exempted athlete is unable to compete by this date, the results of the trials tournament will stand. Wrestle-offs may be arranged before this date as scheduling allows. The top 4 athletes in the contested weight class will be invited to participate in the wrestle-offs, with the exempted athlete facing them in a ladder format. If the exempted athlete reaches the top-ranked athlete, they will meet in a best two-out-of-three format, with the top-ranked athlete holding a one match advantage.

 If a weight class is without participants at the trials, the Canada Summer Games Coaching Staff have the authority to seek out athletes in the province to ensure all positions are filled.


A wrestler named to the Canada Summer Games team may be removed at any time prior to the games if the games coaches and the AAWA Executive agree that the athlete has not met the requirements of the Canada Summer Games training program, or who has violated the athlete code of conduct, AAWA policy or has been disruptive to the team environment.


A team fee of $1000.00 will apply. The full program will be outlined by the coaching staff.


All athletes who make Team Alberta must:

  • have a valid passport
  • commit to the preparation plan and regular training throughout the summer


Immediately following the Trials have been completed, there will be a meeting for all parents and athletes who have made the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Team.


On Sunday May 11th at 9:00am there will be mat training available for athletes



Taylor McPherson                                 Shawn Daye-Finley                                       Justine Bouchard

Women’s Head Coach                             Men’s Head Coach                                         Assistant Coach

403-919-8358                                          902-225-1305                                                 403-461-1648

tkmcpher@ualberta.ca                          shawndayefinley@gmail.com                          jaboucha63@gmail.com


 Adam Link                                                               Jazmyne Barker                                                                  

Assistant Coach                                                        Women in Coaching Apprentice Coach


adam@silvertechcontracting.com                             jbarker@hotmail.ca




May 10


Shawn Daye-Finley


Severus Sports Centre
2501 28 Ave S
Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 7L6 Canada
+ Google Map